and another thing, canbus connection?

A forum for discussing applications and implementations of the MegaShift transmission controller code for the GPIO from B&G. This can control up to 8-speeds and 6 shift solenoids (plus a 16x9 table for controlling a PWM line pressure valve). It has manual and fully automatic modes (16x9 load x speed table), with under and over rev-limit protection, and full data logging of all inputs and outputs (among many other abilities). A TransStim to test your completed board is also available.
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and another thing, canbus connection?

Post by tmoble »

I'm going to be using the canbus to feed engine info to the the mshift. The only canbus thing I saw on the board was termination resistor. I found something somewhere that said canbus would be on pins 13 and 16 of the 35 pin connector. I put those wires in the connector but I'm wondering what they connect to on the board? I don't recall building any circuit for canbus? Is it magic or did I miss something? I looked again at the list of connections in the Jumper chart, don't see anything about it.
Bernard Fife
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Re: and another thing, canbus connection?

Post by Bernard Fife »

Except for the termination resistor, the CANbus circuit is already installed as SMD components during the manufacture of the GPIO board. The circuits are all described here:
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Re: and another thing, canbus connection?

Post by tmoble »

Thank you Mr Fife. Say, did you ever get another bullet?
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