The updated 1.101 Template code is linked from this page:
Compared to the 1.100 template code, this code:
- fixes a number of INI errors and omissions (some minor, some major),
- makes sure the inpram and in2ram structure sizes are multiple of 8 bytes (224 bytes and 24 bytes respectively in the base code). This may not be strictly necessary anymore, but at one time I found it crucial for the CAN pass-through comms (which internally handles 8 bytes at a time). This may have been changed to allow non-multiples of 8 (it was always supposed to be able to handle any number of bytes in theory, but didn't in practice), but I keep it this way because it is easy to do, and can't hurt. I generally try to keep outpc size a multiple of 8 if I can too (base is 56 bytes), though this has never been an issue (at least so far).
- fixes the delay counter function in the code.
It has been tested for both getting the outpc values from the engine controller over CAN, as well as using the engine controller to get outpc and set inpram values (and burn them using flash) over CAN (i.e. the 'CAN pass-through'). All testing was done with 2.920 code on the engine controller. The serial communications (directly to the GPIO board) have been tested and work fine too, of course.
There is an appropriate INI for the template code in the zip file. This INI can be used if connecting directly to the GPIO with a serial cable, or for CAN pass-through operations (be sure to set CAN_COMMANDS). For help setting up the CAN communications, see:
"Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it." - George Bernard Shaw