Base GPIO code to work from?
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Fri Mar 05, 2010 9:47 am
Re: Base GPIO code to work from?
I need some help as a new member. I installed Freescale CodeWarrior and downloaded GPIO_4L60E_proj. Open GPIO_CW.mcp, the first 18 message I got from Message board on the right for project "GPIO_CW.mcp" are:
The following access path in target "P&E ICD" of project "GPIO_CW.mcp" cannot be found:
The following access path in target "P&E ICD" of project "GPIO_CW.mcp" cannot be found:
The following access path in target "P&E ICD" of project "GPIO_CW.mcp" cannot be found:
The following access path in target "Monitor" of project "GPIO_CW.mcp" cannot be found:
The following access path in target "Monitor" of project "GPIO_CW.mcp" cannot be found:
Could not find linker "Linker for HC12" for target "Simulator"
I could not find the directory "lib\HC12c" anywhere including Freescale install directory. In my Freescale install directory, I see fold: CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers V6.3, is this right?
In discussion, I see people talk about .ini file, for example GPIO_MShift_1100.ini , where should I put it?
Thank for any advice,
- Posts: 1696
- Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2008 1:28 pm
Re: Base GPIO code to work from?
You likely need to set the project paths to where you installed the project and compiler. The project paths can be found under 'Edit/Monitor Setting/Access Paths'.
Make sure you have set the 'Monitor' to be the project first, this is set under 'Project/Set Default Target'. The monitor target gives you an S19 file as the 'output', the simulator and P&E targets are not generally useful at this stage.
However, for the P&E ICD, you probably need to go to and download the appropriate software, or ignore these warnings (the P&E ICD is used for burning the bootloader which is already installed on the GPIO boards, and isn't needed for creating S19 files).
The line looking for The following access path in target "Monitor" of project "GPIO_CW.mcp" cannot be found:
{Project}..\MSII_v260\MSIIC_V2_Proj\MSIIC_Proj should be changed to point to the current project folder (it might no be available unless the specific target s selected, so don't worry about it if you can't find it while 'monitor' is the default target.)
My access paths include:
and for me these correspond to: C:\Program Files\Freescale\CodeWarrior for HCS12 V4.7\lib\hc12c with a bog-standard CW install on a Vista machine.
The INI goes with the tuning software, not the compiler. There are some notes on this in the source code and the megatune documentation.
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Fri Mar 05, 2010 9:47 am
Re: Base GPIO code to work from?
You provide me a lot information that I desperately need. First I think I installed wrong Code, I followed a link to: ... _Tools_Tab
and from there, I downloaded and installed
Special Edition: CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers
Code Size Restriction: RS08/HC(S)08 - 32Kb; CFv1 - 64Kb
so in my C:\Program Files\Freescale\CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers V6.3\lib, there are 2 folders:
So in the project GPPIO_CW.mcp, set default target to Monitor, click Edit/Monitor Settings..., I got a warning dialog:
Linker "Linker for HC12" not found
So can you provide me a current link to CodeWarrior Special Edition that you are using?
Thank you very much for the help,
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Fri Mar 05, 2010 9:47 am
Re: Base GPIO code to work from?
I installed correct Code Warrior this time. Per your instruction, I was able to create file:
in the project bin directory. I'll proceed from here.
Thanks a lot,
- Posts: 1696
- Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2008 1:28 pm
Re: Base GPIO code to work from?
Yes, HC(S)08 is a slightly different family of microcontrollers from the HCS12 we use. It looks like you got that sorted out. I'm glad you are able to make S19 files - that's the biggest step!
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Fri Mar 05, 2010 9:47 am
Re: Base GPIO code to work from?
It is certainly a big step. A friend bought a MegaSqurt-II board (for fuel injection controller) and ask me help for coding. Several months passed without much progress because we don't know what to do with the code. We are very happy now for the progress.
The project here is for transmission application, so I downloaded MSIIC_Proj and was able to build .s19 file this time. So now I can use V2.00 Downloader to load the file (.s19) to the board?
- Posts: 1696
- Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2008 1:28 pm
Re: Base GPIO code to work from?
Yes, that should work. It feels pretty cool the first time you run code you compiled yourself!
If you have changed any of the many inpram or outpc variables (or added some), then you need to edit the INI file to match. There are details on how to do this in the source code. If you have just changed the logic, you don't need to change the INI.
Re: Base GPIO code to work from?
The source code that is available for download, is that the current release Mshift code?
- Posts: 1696
- Joined: Fri Apr 04, 2008 1:28 pm
Re: Base GPIO code to work from?
No. The project is v1.100.
The current code sources won't be released until the code series is finished development. I was hoping this would be soon, but people keep asking for additions and then these need user validation and any fixes/mods. We are moving to a 2.120 transitional code (which has elements of and and if nothing else needs to be added or fixed, the source for 2.111 may eventually be released.
We do it this way to keep the codes from branching before all the bugs are worked out (which wasted everybody's time).
Another issue is that the series of code is too large to be compiled with the free 'special edition' Codewarrior compiler from Freescale, so you need the registered version of Codewarrior and this is big $$$. I suppose someone could 'gut' the 2.xx code to get it under the special edition's limit, but then there wouldn't be much advantage over starting with the 1.100 code.