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Re: microTCU

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:58 pm
by Bernard Fife

I have put new 4.114 beta code on the beta release page (

This code correctly sets the lever input 5V pull-ups when using the microTCU using the PPSAD and PERAD registers, without requiring separate pull-ups circuits, either in the box or externally.

The PPSAD (Pullup Polarity Select for Analog/Digital) and PERAD (Pullup Enable Register Analog/Digital) registers were set in the previous code, but the respective AD pins were not set to be digital inputs, they were left as ADC pins. In order to activate the pull-ups, the appropriate pins had to be switched from ADC to digital (otherwise the pull-up registers have no effect). The code does this by changing the port inputs from ADCs to digital inputs using the ATD0DIEN register when microTCU is set as the hardware AND digital lever inputs is set. Note that changes to the hardware setting (GPIO vrs. microTCU) require a power cycle to take full effect.

In normal operation, this latest code then assigns:
- 1023 to the input 1, 2, or 3's analog-digital count variable when a port pin is 'high' - greater than about 3.25V, and
- 0 when a port pin is 'low' - less than about 1.75V
(but only if 'digital inputs' are selected for the manual lever determination, see:

These values are reported in TunerStudio as usual. Assigning 'faked' ADC counts simplified the rest of the code, which was built with ADC counts in mind. I mention it here because some users might find it odd that such 'perfect' high and low states are achieved.
(Setting the values to the extremes of the range ensures that the 'Digital Voltage Threshold' does not come into play (

The code appears to work on all three inputs (I didn't test input 4, it is already digital and has a pull-up on the PCB).

If anyone has trouble with the lever determination function in this code, please let me know and I will get it sorted.


Re: microTCU

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:22 am
by myburb
Is there any update on when this will be available. My megasquirt is working well and now ready to move on to the trans.

Re: microTCU

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 9:42 am
by Bernard Fife

We have several units in testing right now. This is going reasonably well, but it takes a while to check everything for all possible applications. Then a small production run will need to be made in 'final' spec, before full production begins. If I had to guess, and assuming no major re-designs are required, I'd guess early in the new year for a limited run, with a full run in the Spring.


Re: microTCU

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 1:29 pm
by shaodome
Will this have the ability to take HIGH inputs (12v+) for shift selection without having to build an external voltage divider? What about a HIGH drive for solenoid outputs? The very popular a340 Toyota box uses a 12v+ to drive both shift solenoids and has 12v+ inputs on the shift selector :-/

Re: microTCU

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 10:58 am
by blacksaleen95
Any update on the MicroTCU? I've seen that some people have beta tested it. When can we expect this to be available?

Re: microTCU

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 12:09 pm
by BowlingSuperior
Let me chime in here... the MicroTCU should be available the end of spring beginning of summer, with all things being in place. I just need to do a final test of the overall system and make sure the harness, etc are stocked up and ready to go. I know its been a long time coming for this, and there have been delays on deployment, but we are nearing the end of testing and should have a solid product available real soon.

- Bruce

Re: microTCU

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 3:41 pm
by blacksaleen95
Thank you for the update Bruce.. I am eagerly awaiting it's release!

Re: microTCU

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:03 am
by phoenix3d
Hi Guys!! Waiting in absolute anticipation!!!

Just would like to inquire... The outputs controlling the solenoids, will they all be Switched ground (Low Side) or will there be an option of having Switched Supply (High Side) outputs (as for the Toyota A34 type Tranny's and I am sure on a few others)?

The less we have to "MOD" the safer the installs would eventually be...

Once again Thanks for the continued dev!!


Re: microTCU

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 9:07 am
by gui67
Hello Lance,
Do you know when the microTCU will be available for sale? I am looking for a TCU to install on a Jeep AW4 in a AMC Pacer. (should I wait for the microTCU or buy a MSGPIO).

Re: microTCU

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 11:43 am
by Bernard Fife

I don't know for sure. I wish I did, but production scheduling is always a bit ''hit and miss'. I'll PM you with anything else I know.
