Loosing CAN connection to MS3

For discussing Phil Tobin's TunerStudio MS is the MegaSquirt edition of TunerStudio, a next generation tuning application. It provides the ability to configure and tune all GPIO/MShift(tm) controllers and is 100% compatible with MegaTune ini files and msq's.
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Loosing CAN connection to MS3

Post by Ap67et10 »

I just got my truck up and running. It's a 64 f100 with and 4.6L ford 2v engine and 4R75W trans. Everything has been working fairly well. But I have had a couple issues with the GPIO. The first issue I had was right when the engine was fired up the OSS signal read 74MPH. I tried a few things and found no change, so I bypassed the circuit and used an open spot on one of my (2) dual VR boards from Jean. This immediately fixed the problem and speed signal seemed great. Now I keep getting TS going grey while online (I've seen it flash protocol error and then pops up saying it lost CAN coms and it is ignoring it so other modules can go online. I can exit out of TS cycle the key and it'll be fine again. I was thinking I had noise issues so I put shielded wires for CAN connection but didn't notice any major changes. Then I loaded new firmware for both gpio and ms3, gpio latest stable release and ms3 has current beta release. After the shielding and software update it seems to last longer without loosing connecction but it still will drop out. Can't post MSQ or log due to being on my phone, but I will tomorrow i think

Any thoughts?
Bernard Fife
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Re: Loosing CAN connection to MS3

Post by Bernard Fife »


The most common cause of what you are seeing is either:
- a mismatch between the INI and code (on either the engine controller or the GPIO), or
- a mistake in one of the INIs (such as the wrong size specified for the OutputChannels, for example).

So you might want to make sure that you have the correct INIs for your codes. If that doesn't help, you should post a TunerStudio communications log, see 'Communications -> Debug Log Comm' in TS.

If you have more than one CAN device (i.e. more than an engine controller with a GPIO), make sure only the two end-point devices have the 120 Ohm termination resistor installed, and make sure the CAN IDs don't conflict.

You should also tell us exactly what code(s) you are running ("latest version" doesn't tell us much), post your MSQs and ideally a datalog too. And tell us about any other CAN devices you have in your chain.

"Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it." - George Bernard Shaw
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Re: Loosing CAN connection to MS3

Post by Ap67et10 »


Thanks for the quick reply. I posted that late last night as I was falling asleep, so it wasn't very informative.

Last night I loaded 1.3.1 beta 3 into the MS3 and 4.139 into the GPIO. I had the GPIO on 4.131 before with no issues when doing some testing on my stim. I just did minor testing with MS3 and GPIO connected, but never had this happen which is the main reason I originally suspected a noise problem.

I have no other CAN devices set up on this vehicle. It is just the MS3 and GPIO.

Thanks for the help,
test 2.msl
this is one of the short logs I got right when it shut down.
(104.7 KiB) Downloaded 1965 times
4.6L rough tune.msq
(212.89 KiB) Downloaded 2119 times
new 4R75W rough tune.msq
(45.15 KiB) Downloaded 1950 times
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Re: Loosing CAN connection to MS3

Post by Ap67et10 »

I was trying to add the debug file as an attachment , but it says txt extension is not allowed? Am I not doing something correctly?

Bernard Fife
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Re: Loosing CAN connection to MS3

Post by Bernard Fife »


I will ask the forum admin team to add "txt" to the allowed extensions list.

Nothing has changed in the CAN/serial code for MShift in a long time (from at least version 4.100 through 5.012). And I just checked that the pass-through CANbus comms are okay with 2.920 and 5.012 (but I will do more testing of course).

Another user is reporting a similar issue to what you are seeing ( viewtopic.php?f=12&t=834 ) so you might want to post in that thread.

"Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it." - George Bernard Shaw
Posts: 42
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Re: Loosing CAN connection to MS3

Post by Ap67et10 »

I went ahead and posted on that thread, I also duplicated his exact issue. Mine was slightly different but with the serial cable it did just as he stated. I also loaded 1.3.0 on the MS3 and it does the same thing.

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